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Privacy Policy -

Privacy Policy

With our website, you can stay carefree and worry-free about your privacy as we indulge in the best methods to safeguard you. Our website makes sure that your online browsing is safe with us. So, you can, without any worry, browse through our website.

As you already adhere to the information on how to reach us, you should also browse it with safety. Our sole motive is here for the protection of our users, so, that you stay safe and are not indulged in any kind of trouble online. But, you should also make sure to browse through our website safely.

Our privacy policy is rigid and strict. We ensure to go with the best aspect and make you feel comfortable and safe while browsing the website. There are different rules and regulations that we follow in order to take your safety at the most important. If you have any question on how we operate or about our privacy policy, you can feel free to ask us.

The modern technologies JavaScript and cookies are being used by the 3rd party ad services along with the networks. They might use the individual links along with ads which are present on our website. They get sent to the user’s browser automatically. The IP address automatically accepts these technologies.

While taking the help of modern technologies, we get detailed insight that goes into making our campaign ads. We use this technology so that we can deliver you with the best information. Also, we make sure to use technology to our benefit. It will provide us with the right information so that we can further take actions to run on the website.

We use these technologies so that we can create a good and personal touch to the campaigns that get run on the websites.

Note: We make sure to abide by the regulations so that your privacy is safe. However, no cookie responsibility is taken when you use third-party advertisers.

Our privacy policy is made for only our usage and is not allowed to be used by anyone else online. No third party is granted permission to use our policy. This is the reason we inform you to see other party privacy policy before accessing them. The privacy policy includes the practices and the instructions on how you can use the different options. At any time, you can disable the cookies that are being used by us.

We, as a responsible retailer, condemn the use of our website by any child without proper monitoring by the adults. The reason behind this is that we don’t want you to lose any privacy online to the scammers.

The privacy policy stays relevant to the online activities used and not on any offline activity. These policies are valid to the people who want to use our website. These websites don’t stay related to offline activities performed.

While using our website, you must make sure that you agree with the privacy along with the terms and conditions.